Nov 3, 2023
On 11th of November at 14.00 the lecture “Drinking culture in Estonia in the Middle and Early Modern Ages. Honey drink mead”. will be held in the activity museum. Historian Inna Põltsam-Jürjo will be the lecturer.
Lecture is free.
The lecture will be followed by the Nöösker mead house (start at 15.00). It is necessary to pre-register or by Facebook message. .

Oct 18, 2023
Wittenstein Time Centre and Acitivity museum offers fascinating Christmas programs for children’s groups and for adults.
In Time Centre Wittenstein you can celebrate Christmas on 8 different floors and in 8 different eras. You will meet interesting characters from different periods of time and taste what Estonians have eaten and drank.
More information about Time Centre Wittenstein:
Wittenstein Acitivity museum offers unique programs and workshops to celebrate Christmas. An entertaining Christmas journey takes you to a small town of the 19th century. Joke with funny townspeople and craftsmen and try Christmas flavors
More information about Wittenstein Acitvity museum:
We also offer amazing food and beautiful rooms to help you to have the an unforgettable Christmas party!
Oct 8, 2023
✨14. oktoobril toimub Wittensteini Tegevusmuuseumis Järvamaa käsitööpäev “Rahvarõivas ja ehted”.
Kell 9.30 – 10.00 kogunemine, tervituskohv
Kell 10.00 Järvamaa käsitööpäeva ja meistrite laada väljapanekute avamine
Kell 10.10 Järvamaa Muinasasjade Alalhoidmise Seltsi aaretekambri avamine. Järvamaaga seotud etnograafiliste ehete näituse avamine
Kell 10.30 Järvamaa Rahvarõiva Nõuandekoja liikme Kadi Vingisaare loeng “Rahvarõivas esinemisrõivana”
Kell 11.30 – 13.00 Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia õppejõu ja kunstnik Indrek Ikkoneni loeng “Etnograafilistest ehetest Järvamaal”
Kell 13.00 – 13.30 lõunapaus
Kell 13.30 – 15.00 tegevus töötubades
Võimalus on osaleda hõbedameistri töötoas, helmestikandi õpitoas ja niplispitsi tegemise õpitoas
Kell 15.00 Päeva lõpetamine ja juhendajate tänamine
Sepikojas tegutseb sepp Kristjan Kuurmaa, kes õpetab metallist meene valmistamist. Soetada saab väikesepiseid.
Hõbedameister Anne Reinberg viib läbi hõbeehte valmistamise töötuba. Soetada saab ainulaadseid hõbeehteid.
Nahameister Hele Kingisepp (HeLing) viib läbi nahast võtmehoidja või kaelaehte valmistamise töötuba. Müügil kaunid nahast tooted – kotid, võtmehoidjad jms.
Imbi Karu nõustab erinevate kudumistehnikate ja-võtete alal. (Türi Käsitöötuba). Müügil villased kudumid.
Reet Meimre viib läbi ketrustöötuba ja nõustab ketramise teemal.
Natalia Haug viib läbi prossitöötuba, müügil käsitöö ja keraamika.
Kazimiera Vellemaa juures saab teha klaasvitraaži. Samuti ta õpetab, kuidas vahtralehtedest ja muust loodusest pärinevast on võimalik põnevaid tooteid valmistada.
Ründo Mülts
SA Ajakeskus Wittenstein/Järvamaa muuseum
Oct 4, 2023
🍷🐝 As part of the harvesting Festival (on October 7 at 14.00), the lecture “Drinking culture in Estonia in the Middle and Early Modern Ages” will be held in the activity museum. Honey drink mead”. Historian Inna Põltsam-Jürjo will be the lecturer.
The lecture will be followed by the Nöösker mead house Workshop in Paide: Fermenting mead from a man!
Sep 11, 2023
🍂Welcome to Harvesting festival!🍂
On October 7, from 11 to 18, the Korilusfestival will take place in Wittenstein Activity Museum (Tallinna tn 9/11, Paide).
A versatile program and a large selection of food, both from the forest and the garden, await you!
Fresh fruits and vegetables (corresponding to the season)
From 11.00-18.00
A large selection of home preserves, herbs
Fresh fruits and vegetables straight from the garden
🍯 Honey, herbal teas
🥕A large selection of savings
🌼 Sea buckthorn products
🥗 Fresh fruits and vegetables straight from the garden
🍄 Different cafes are open, offering both salty taste experiences and cakes.🍰
🧸Children’s area
12.00-15.00 Singers and dancers from Hammerbeck Primary School will perform,
Järvamaa wind instrument players and traditional music students of Paide Music School
12.00-14.00 Halloween pumpkin crafting workshop
11.00-18.00 Different workshops are open in Wittenstein Living museum. It is possible to buy products made by local craftsmen.
You can make a metal souvenir with the blacksmith working in the forge
You can make silver jewelry with Silversmith Anne Reinberg
Leather master Hele Kingisepp does a leather key chain or necklace making workshop.
Folk medicine is introduced by Jana Olesk, a herbalist and the hostess of Källomäe farm
Imbi Karu advises on various knitting techniques.
Reet Meimre conducts a spinning workshop and advises on spinning
Natalia Haug conducts a brooch workshop
Maarika Männili’s exhibition “Mushrooms in our forests” opened
13.00 “The best apple jam workshop” will be conducted by Källomäe farm hostess and award-winning jam master Jana Olesk. (The price of the workshop is €9)
14.00 Lecture “Drinking culture in Estonia in the Middle and Early Modern Ages. Honey drink mead”
Senior researcher of Tallinn University Inna Põltsam-Jürjo will be the lecturer. (The lecture is free)
15.30 Nöösker koja mead making workshop – Workshop in Paide: The making of mead (Workshop price €10))
Wittenstein Tavern is open and offers great tastes.
Korilusfestival plakat