31/07 119th birthday of the Järvamaa Museum

31/07 119th birthday of the Järvamaa Museum

🎉31. on July (Wednesday) we celebrate the 119th birthday of the Järvamaa Museum!🎉

The venue of the event is the museum’s home, the Wittenstein Activity Museum (address Tallinna tn 9) and the Wittenstein Time Center operating in the Paide rampart.
All day (from 10 am to 6 pm) visiting the museum and the rampart with a discount ticket -50%. Admission is free for members of the Society of Friends of Järvamaa Museum.
Cafe and Musta Ronga shop are open in the activity museum.
The workshops are open and the time capsule (5D cinema) is working.

📍At 11:00 a.m. a walk introducing the Wittenstein Activity Museum.
📍At 12.00 we open the exhibition “Dollhouses” in the activity museum – 20th and 21st century dolls, doll furniture, household appliances and tableware from the private collection of Heli Männi.
📍At 13.00, the opening of the art exhibition “Rudolf Lepik and Paide” in the hall of the Wittenstein Activity Museum.
📍At 14:00 the annual meeting of the Society of Friends of Järvamaa Museum.
📍At 15.00 we offer a celebration cake.
📍At 16:00 Archaeologist Mari Tõrva’s lecture “You are what you eat?”
📍At 17:00 a walk introducing the Wittenstein Activity Museum.
📍At 19:00 Paide Vallimäe comedy theater show “The Three Musketeers”.

Exhibition of doll houses in Wittenstein Activity museum

Exhibition of doll houses in Wittenstein Activity museum

In the Wittenstein Activity Museum you can see exciting DOLLHOUSES from Heli Mänd’s collection.
Come and explore 20th and 21st century dolls, doll furniture, household appliances and tableware.

Heli Mänd started collecting toys in 2000. Her collection includes exciting toys from different times – dolls, bears, cars, trains, board games, souvenir dolls etc. More than 12,000 great items in total.

Wittenstein Activity Museum is open Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00

Summer events 2024 in Paide vallimägi

Summer events 2024 in Paide vallimägi

☀️Suveüritused Paide vallimäel☀️

28. juuni Mida uskusid meie esivanemad? – loeng-kohtumine Ajakeskuses Wittenstein arheoloog Tõnno Jonuksiga
3. juuli Discgolfi Järvamaa seeriavõistlus 2024 Paide etapp
7. juuli Noorsooteatri suvelavastus Lahenduste ministeerium Paide vallimäel
13. juuli Edu Akadeemia Enesearengufestival Õnnelik Mina
14. juuli Jalgpalli Euroopa meistrivõistluste ühisvaatamine
26. juuli Tantsuõhtu Paide vallimäel peaesineja Annely Ott (Päris Anny) & Are Jürimaa (Günf)
31. juuli Komöödiateatri etendus „Kolm musketäri”
31. juuli Järvamaa muuseumi 119. sünnipäeva tähistamine Wittensteini Tegevusmuuseumis

9.-10. august Arvamusfestival Paide vallimäel
20. august Taasiseseisvumispäeva tähistamine Kaitseliidu perega Paide vallimäel
22. august Haridustöötajate aastasündmus Haridustreff Paide vallimäel
31. august Noortebändide festival Paide vallimäel

Garden festival “Open Gardens of Europe” program in Paide

Garden festival “Open Gardens of Europe” program in Paide

Ajakeskus Wittenstein invites you to take part in the events of the garden festival “Open Gardens of Europe” in Paide.

*On May 31 (Friday) at 17:00, lecture and workshop “Medicinal plants in the garden and behind the garden” in the herb shop in the Wittenstein Activity Museum.
Jana Olesk, a herbalist and hostess of Källomäe farm, will be the instructor. The lecture is FREE, but the price of the workshop is €10.

*On June 2 (Sunday), the Society of Friends of the Järva County Museum organizes a bus trip to get to know the garden culture in Paide and Järva county. We visit various home gardens and get to experience the garden beauty hidden there.

The bus tour starts at 11:00 a.m. and departs from the Paide Muusika-ja Teatrimaja parking lot. Additional information and booking a bus seat by phone (56682165 – Ründo Mülts)

The initiative takes place within the framework of the garden festival “Open Gardens of Europe” initiated by the French Ministry of Culture. The Garden Festival draws attention to the work of garden owners, their worries and joys, and the efforts of the heritage protection community to expertly maintain, restore our “green heritage”, old gardens.

04/06 Simman on Flag Day with Marko Matvere in Paide Vallimägi

04/06 Simman on Flag Day with Marko Matvere in Paide Vallimägi

Ajakeskus Wittenstein kutsub lipupäeva lõõtsasimmanile!
4. juunil kell 18.00 Paide vallimäel. Pilet 10 € (piletid müügil kohapeal).
Üles astuvad:
*Paide muusikakooli lõõtsaansambel Silvi Tumanskaja juhendamisel
*Arvo Stoltsen
*Rahvatantsurühm “Vallatsi”
*Andres Vahesalu
*Hugo Kink
*Hans Kaschan
*Tõnu Ulla
*Mihkel Tuulik
Videosalvestuse teeb Rahvalõõts Plus.
Tähistame koos Eesti lipu 140. sünnipäeva!
18.05 The night of the museums in Time Centre Wittenstein and Wittenstein Activity museum

18.05 The night of the museums in Time Centre Wittenstein and Wittenstein Activity museum

On May 18, nearly 200 museums and memory institutions across Estonia will open their doors to celebrate international museum night.

(Veski 11, Paide)

Time Center Wittenstein is located in Paide Order Castle. A time machine an elevator rolls, leading from one era to another.

Open on museum night from 18:00 to 23:00.

21.00 Indrek Kuuse presents the fortress historical model.

Entrance to the museum night is 1 euro, the museum card is also valid.

(Tallinn str. 9 and 11, Paide)

The museum’s herb shop is open on museum night from 18:00 to 23:00, pharmacy exposition and Dr. Hesse hospital.

Visitors to the Museum of Activities in the 19th century into a genuine small-town atmosphere activities and objects and random with the help of digital solutions.

Entrance to the museum night is 1 euro, the museum card is also valid.