1. 18.05 The night of the museums in Time Centre Wittenstein and Wittenstein Activity museum

18.05 The night of the museums in Time Centre Wittenstein and Wittenstein Activity museum

7. May 2024

On May 18, nearly 200 museums and memory institutions across Estonia will open their doors to celebrate international museum night.

(Veski 11, Paide)

Time Center Wittenstein is located in Paide Order Castle. A time machine an elevator rolls, leading from one era to another.

Open on museum night from 18:00 to 23:00.

21.00 Indrek Kuuse presents the fortress historical model.

Entrance to the museum night is 1 euro, the museum card is also valid.

(Tallinn str. 9 and 11, Paide)

The museum’s herb shop is open on museum night from 18:00 to 23:00, pharmacy exposition and Dr. Hesse hospital.

Visitors to the Museum of Activities in the 19th century into a genuine small-town atmosphere activities and objects and random with the help of digital solutions.

Entrance to the museum night is 1 euro, the museum card is also valid.