Upcoming Events and News
New exhibition about toy cars in Wittenstein Activity museum
🏎️The Wittenstein Activity Museum in Paide has opened a great new exhibition "Cars, trains and...
21/02 Oskar Seeman and Tihvan Big Band in Wittenstein Activity museum
On February 21, we will celebrate the 107th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia with a party at...
New exhibition in Wittenstein Activity Museum “There and back. Livonian pilgrimages in medieval Europe”
"There and back. Livonian pilgrimages in medieval Europe" On January 15 (Wednesday), starting at...
Silver ring making workshop in Wittenstein activity museum
Come and make yourself a unique silver ring, which is made according to the example of historical...
Wittenstein Christmas programs in December
Wittensteini jõulumaa ootab nii suuri kui väikeseid Traditsiooniliselt täituvad ka sel aastal...
23/11 Lecture-meeting with Juhan Kreem in Wittenstein Activity museum
Wittensteini Tegevusmuuseum kutsub loeng-kohtumisele! 23. novembril (laupäeval) kell 13.00...
01/12 Christmas market in Wittenstein Activity Museum
🎅 Come and enjoy the Christmas fun on December 1 at the Wittenstein Activity Museum, Paide Tallinn...
19/10 Järva County Handicraft Day at the Wittenstein Activity Museum
As part of the Estonian-wide initiative of Open Handicraft Workshops, we invite everyone to the...
29/09 Koriluspäev in Wittenstein Activity Museum
🍂We invite everyone to the Wittenstein Activity Museum for the Day of the Gathering! On September...
24/09 Day of Nations in Wittenstein Activity museum
✨On 24th of September, the Wittenstein Activity Museum (Tallinn tn 9/11, Paide) will host the Day...
Embroidery course in Wittenstein Activity Museum
An embroidery course begins at the Wittenstein Activity Museum The year 2024 has been declared the...
31.08 Paide Youth Band Festival 2024. 12 youth bands and OLLIE
Paide Noortevolikogu in cooperation with Paide Hillar Hanssoo Primary School, Paide Open Youth...
20.08 Celebration of Re-independence day in Paide vallimägi
On August 20, at 11 a.m., the Independence Day celebration will be held in Paide Vallimägi. The...
17.08 Paide Buffet Day: Norwegian flavors at the Wittenstein Activity Museum
🇳🇴 As part of the Paide Buffet Day, you can enjoy exciting Norwegian flavors at the Wittenstein...
09.08-15.08 exhibition about war history in Wittenstein Activity museum
The War Museum on Wheels reaches the heart of Estonia On August 9 (Friday), starting at 14:00, the...
31/07 119th birthday of the Järvamaa Museum
🎉31. on July (Wednesday) we celebrate the 119th birthday of the Järvamaa Museum!🎉 The venue of the...
Exhibition of doll houses in Wittenstein Activity museum
In the Wittenstein Activity Museum you can see exciting DOLLHOUSES from Heli Mänd's collection....
Summer events 2024 in Paide vallimägi
☀️Suveüritused Paide vallimäel☀️ 28. juuni Mida uskusid meie esivanemad? – loeng-kohtumine...