1. During Opinion Festival in Time Centre and Wittenstein Living museum

During Opinion Festival in Time Centre and Wittenstein Living museum

8. Aug 2023

Opinion Festival takes place from 11th to 12th of August in Paide. Wittenstein Activity Museum and Time Centre Wittenstein is open from 10.00-18.00. You can take part of different workshops, concert and night journey.

*11th of August:
14:00 folk medicine workshop at the Wittenstein Activity Museum (Tallinna tn 9/11, Paide)
15:00 Blacksmith’s workshop in Wittenstein Activity Museum (Tallinna tn 9/11, Paide)
16:00 Photography workshop at the Wittenstein Activity Museum (Tallinna tn 9/11, Paide)

At 19:00 Piano music evening with wine tasting in Ajakeskuse Wittenstein (rampart). Pianist Liliane Reiljan. Ticket €20.
At 23.00 Mystical night journey in the old town of Paide with guide Ründo Mülts

*12th of August:
At 14:00 Pharmacy drinks workshop at the Wittenstein Activity Museum (Tallinna tn 9/11, Paide)
At 15:00 silver jewelry making workshop at the Wittenstein Activity Museum (Tallinna tn 9/11, Paide)
At 16:00, a printing workshop at the Wittenstein Activity Museum (Tallinna tn 9/11, Paide)

Silversmith Anne Reinberg and leathersmith Hele Kingisepp will be at the activity museum all day on August 12th.