Garden festival “Open Gardens of Europe” program in Paide

Garden festival “Open Gardens of Europe” program in Paide

Ajakeskus Wittenstein invites you to take part in the events of the garden festival “Open Gardens of Europe” in Paide.

*On May 31 (Friday) at 17:00, lecture and workshop “Medicinal plants in the garden and behind the garden” in the herb shop in the Wittenstein Activity Museum.
Jana Olesk, a herbalist and hostess of Källomäe farm, will be the instructor. The lecture is FREE, but the price of the workshop is €10.

*On June 2 (Sunday), the Society of Friends of the Järva County Museum organizes a bus trip to get to know the garden culture in Paide and Järva county. We visit various home gardens and get to experience the garden beauty hidden there.

The bus tour starts at 11:00 a.m. and departs from the Paide Muusika-ja Teatrimaja parking lot. Additional information and booking a bus seat by phone (56682165 – Ründo Mülts)

The initiative takes place within the framework of the garden festival “Open Gardens of Europe” initiated by the French Ministry of Culture. The Garden Festival draws attention to the work of garden owners, their worries and joys, and the efforts of the heritage protection community to expertly maintain, restore our “green heritage”, old gardens.

04/06 Simman on Flag Day with Marko Matvere in Paide Vallimägi

04/06 Simman on Flag Day with Marko Matvere in Paide Vallimägi

Ajakeskus Wittenstein kutsub lipupäeva lõõtsasimmanile!
4. juunil kell 18.00 Paide vallimäel. Pilet 10 € (piletid müügil kohapeal).
Üles astuvad:
*Paide muusikakooli lõõtsaansambel Silvi Tumanskaja juhendamisel
*Arvo Stoltsen
*Rahvatantsurühm “Vallatsi”
*Andres Vahesalu
*Hugo Kink
*Hans Kaschan
*Tõnu Ulla
*Mihkel Tuulik
Videosalvestuse teeb Rahvalõõts Plus.
Tähistame koos Eesti lipu 140. sünnipäeva!
18.05 The night of the museums in Time Centre Wittenstein and Wittenstein Activity museum

18.05 The night of the museums in Time Centre Wittenstein and Wittenstein Activity museum

On May 18, nearly 200 museums and memory institutions across Estonia will open their doors to celebrate international museum night.

(Veski 11, Paide)

Time Center Wittenstein is located in Paide Order Castle. A time machine an elevator rolls, leading from one era to another.

Open on museum night from 18:00 to 23:00.

21.00 Indrek Kuuse presents the fortress historical model.

Entrance to the museum night is 1 euro, the museum card is also valid.

(Tallinn str. 9 and 11, Paide)

The museum’s herb shop is open on museum night from 18:00 to 23:00, pharmacy exposition and Dr. Hesse hospital.

Visitors to the Museum of Activities in the 19th century into a genuine small-town atmosphere activities and objects and random with the help of digital solutions.

Entrance to the museum night is 1 euro, the museum card is also valid.

An exhibition introducing the work of graphic artist Herald Eelma was opened in the Wittenstein Activity Museum

An exhibition introducing the work of graphic artist Herald Eelma was opened in the Wittenstein Activity Museum

An exhibition introducing the work of graphic artist Herald Eelma was opened in the Wittenstein Activity Museum

On March 24 (Sunday), starting at 12:00, the exhibition “Home in progress” introducing the work of graphic artist Herald Eelma will be opened at the Paide Wittenstein Activity Museum (Tallinn tn 9 and 11). The exhibition is dedicated to the 90th birthday of the artist who emerged from Järva County, and the exhibited works come from the author’s own collection. At the opening of the exhibition, the artist celebrating his 90th birthday will present his creative path and the works exhibited in the exhibition. The book introducing the artist’s work “Herald Eelma aeg ja joon” will also be presented.

Graphic artist Herald Eelma was born in Järva County, Järva-Jaani Parish, Võhmuta, in the family of Villem Eelma and Elfriede Eelma, a Kase forest ranger, on March 26, 1934 as the third child.

Eelma started drawing because her siblings already knew something. “My brother picked up the mandolin and after a while he already knew how to play it. My sister was good at drawing horses. It caused envy: can’t I do something then?” muses the artist.

Herald Eelma started school in 1941 at Võhmuta Primary School, then studied at Karinu 7th grade school and from 1949-1953 at Paide Middle School. Eelma graduated cum laude from the State Art Institute of the Estonian SSR (ERKI) in 1959. Worked 1960-1962 as a watercolor teacher at ERKI. 1962-1992 was a freelance artist. In 1992, he started working as a drawing teacher at Tallinn University of Arts and at the same time he was also an art teacher at Paimios Varsinais-Suomen Kansanopisto. He worked as a professor and head of the drawing curriculum at the Estonian Academy of Arts until 2000, after which he again works as a freelance artist.

Herald Eelma started performing at exhibitions as a freelance and book artist right after graduating from the art institute. His originality as a graphic artist was already evident in his diploma thesis, which was the illustrations for A. H. Tammsaare’s novel “Tõde ja eriks”. The woodcut illustrations, cover vignettes and wrappers for the novel were completed in 1964-1969. He didn’t have to look far for inspiration: Eelma’s childhood was spent in a milieu quite similar to the life of the people of Vargamäe. Through these illustrations, Eelma presented himself as a calm artist who soberly observes the phenomena of life. The artist stayed with a similar creative style in his subsequent works.

His series of graphic pages “Girls” (1965), “Sunday” (1972) are well known. Several abstract letterpress prints from early graphics: “Critical Moment” (1967), “Blooming” (1968). In the lithographs of the late 1970s (“Gate”, “Ceiling”), parallels can be seen with Marju Mutsu’s graphics of that time. Then one of Eelma’s favorite motifs, the theme of stones, developed in the lithographs: “Bank” (1989), “Kaitsevall” (1990). It seems that Eelma has not had any sudden upheavals, his art has developed smoothly through several stages.

Herald Eelma’s major work is the illustration of “Kalevala” (1985, pencil drawing). The illustrations for A. H. Tammsaare’s work “I loved a German” are an example of the mastery of wood engraving.

The artist’s source of inspiration has been close and distant memory images that come from the real world. The artist has been interested in permanent values, traditions and sustainability in a threatened world. The passage of time, man in time and man’s creation, tensions in society.

The exhibition can be viewed at the Wittenstein Action Museum until July 1, 2024. The possibility of visiting during the opening hours of the museum, Wed-Sun, 10.00-18.00.

Additional information

Ründo Mülts
SA Time Center Wittenstein/Järvamaa Museum

🔥JÜRIÖÖ LIGHTS 2024 – Terminaator

🔥JÜRIÖÖ LIGHTS 2024 – Terminaator

Ajakeskus Wittenstein invites you to the kick-off of the big all-Estonian event Jüriöö Märgutuled 2024, which will take place on April 20 at Paide Vallimäe!
Starting from Türi, Väätsa, Kirna and Mäo, there will be a run and walk to Paide Vallimäe.

The organizers are Türi Sports Clubs Union and SA Paide Sports Center.
18.30 in front of the Türi Cultural Center – Paide Vallimägi approx. 15 km
19.00 Kirna – Paide Vallimägi approx. 8.5 km
19.00 Väätsa – Paide Vallimägi approx. 8.5 km
19.00 Mäo – Paide Vallimägi u. 5 km

Pre-registration ended on April 10, but anyone who wishes can also register on the spot (Türi, Kirna, Väätsa, Mäo). The participation fee for the run is 10 € when registering on the spot.

At the initiative of the Alempois MC, motorcycle clubs from different parts of Estonia gather on Paide Vallimäe and take Jüriöö Märgutuli to their home place.
🔥At 20.00 we will light bonfires on the rampart, band Exitum will perform.
🔥At 21.00 a signal light lights up at the top of the Paide Order Castle. We show that free Estonia lives!
🔥The evening ends with a powerful show by Estonian rock flagship Terminaator!

Ticket €15
Free for Jüriöö run/walk participants
The event is supported by the city of Paide and the municipality of Türi.

Jüriöö lights move all over Estonia under the initiative of Alempois MC.

20.04.2024 (laupäev)

Tartu suund (Tuld viivad Road Devil MC, Dominus MC)

16.00-16.15 start Paidest

18.00 Tartu, Dominus MC klubihoones

– tulejagamine edasi Valga, Rõuge, Metsanurga suunal

start Tartust

-Valga (Last Chance Motoklubi)

-Rõuge (Mägilased MC)

-Metsanurga (Sõltumatud)

Narva suund (tuld viivad Road Beast MC, East Riders MC ja Magnum MC)

16.30 start Paidest

18.00 Rakvere linnus

19.30 Jõhvi

21.00 Narva

Tallinna suund (tuld Pikne MC, Road Devil MC, Wildcards MC Tallinn)

17.00 start Paidest

17.40 Vahastu muinaslinnus

18.45 Kose-Uuemõisa mõis

20.15 Suurupi Vabaduse märk

21.00 Toompea

Haapsalu ja Saaremaa suund (tuld viivad Alempois MC, Route 15 MC, Müristaja MC, Õsel MC)

17.00 start Paidest

18.00 Route 15 MC klubihoone

20.00 Haapsalu

Kuressaare – aeg täpsustamisel

Türi (tuld viivad Alempois MC, Cartel MC)
Põltsamaa (tuld viib Road Beast MC)
Järva-Jaani Vanatehnika varjupaik, Tapa, Kadrina (tuld viib Rakvere Raibe RC)

19.45-20.30 kogunemine Paides tule võtmiseks

20.30 start Paidest (3 erinevat gruppi)

20.45 Türi kultuurikeskus

21.00 Põltsamaa

Järva-Jaani Vanatehnika varjupaik – Aeg täpsustamisel

Tapa – Aeg täpsustamisel

Kadrina – Aeg täpsustamisel

22.04.2024 (esmaspäev)

Pärnu suund (Alempois MC, Klan MC)

18.00 start Türilt

19.15-19.30 Tammiste Konsum parkla

19.45 Pärnu Munamäe park

20.15-20.30 Aruvälja Külakeskuse Jüriöö valgusjooks ja Jüriöö märgutule süütamine

5-course dinner to celebrate Women’s Day in Time Centre Wittestein

5-course dinner to celebrate Women’s Day in Time Centre Wittestein

Maitserännakud and Ajakeskus Wittenstein invite you to the Women’s Day wine dinner. The sommelier matches the wines with each course.

The dinner will be held in Ajakeskus Wittenstein/Time Centre Wittenstein (on the 9th floor of the tower) starting at 19:00.

The menu will be as follows:
1st course / overcooked green clams
2nd course / beef fillet cooked at a low temperature with smoked herring sauce
3rd course / asparagus risotto
4th course / pork side roulade with roasted vegetables and mustard cream sauce
5th course / sea buckthorn crème brûlée

Dinner with wines costs €75/person.
NB! Participation in the dinner requires pre-registration.
Tickets are in sale:
More information and reservation: