New exhibition about toy cars in Wittenstein Activity museum

New exhibition about toy cars in Wittenstein Activity museum

🏎️The Wittenstein Activity Museum in Paide has opened a great new exhibition “Cars, trains and other machines” from the collection of collector Heli Männi.
You can get acquainted with great toys from the last century.
The exhibition offers nostalgic joy for the adults and excitement for the little ones in the family.

Heli Mänd started collecting toys in 2000. Her collection includes exciting toys from different times – dolls, bears, cars, trains, board games, souvenir dolls. More than 12,000 great items in total.

👉The opportunity to visit the exhibition “Cars, trains and other machines” Wed-Sun 10.00-18.00 at the Wittenstein Activity Museum (Tallinn tn 9/11, Paide)

The exhibition is open from January to June 2025.

21/02 Oskar Seeman and Tihvan Big Band in Wittenstein Activity museum

21/02 Oskar Seeman and Tihvan Big Band in Wittenstein Activity museum

On February 21, we will celebrate the 107th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia with a party at the Wittenstein Activity Museum (Tallinna tn 9/11, Paide).

The new rising star Oskar Seeman will perform with the Tihvan Big Band. During the evening, humorous stories, beautiful ballads and dance music will be heard. You can enjoy delicious flavors.

The evening of the party starts at 18:30.
The ticket costs €49 and includes a concert and a three-course dinner.
Tickets can only be purchased in advance, tickets are not sold on the spot. The number of places is limited!
Tickets are on sale at Piletilev from January 20 and at Wittenstein Activity Museum (Tallinn tn 9/11, Paide).

More information: or 5850 2001

New exhibition in Wittenstein Activity Museum “There and back. Livonian pilgrimages in medieval Europe”

New exhibition in Wittenstein Activity Museum “There and back. Livonian pilgrimages in medieval Europe”

“There and back. Livonian pilgrimages in medieval Europe”

On January 15 (Wednesday), starting at 4:30 p.m., the international exhibition “There and back. Pilgrimages of Livonians in medieval Europe”.

Medieval pilgrims were motivated by religious motives, today’s pilgrims are more secular and are driven by the desire to get away from the routine of everyday life, discover new places and experience the beauty of nature. But in addition to this external journey, the pilgrimage route also offers a person an internal journey, it has a spiritual effect. This is probably the reason why the pilgrimage is gaining more and more popularity. There are three pilgrimage routes in Estonia, two of which are already connected to the European network of cultural routes.

Like the rest of Europe, pilgrimage was part of medieval life in Livonia. From here they went to holy places both far and near, pilgrims from abroad visited more or less well-known places here, from Vastseliina to Kastre Castle. All of this left various traces in the material culture of the time, starting with works of art and symbols used on everyday objects, and ending with pilgrims’ clothes and souvenirs brought from the trip. This exhibition summarizes the relevant material of medieval Livonia, bringing to the public the lion’s share of the pilgrimage-related finds known from Estonia-Latvia together with the literary-artistic heritage. As a result, it turns out that our pilgrimage culture, born of personal piety, was significantly richer than previously thought, both in terms of places visited and pilgrimage practices.

The exhibits in the exhibition come from various Estonian and Latvian memory institutions: Tallinn University Archaeological Research Collection, Estonian History Museum, Estonian National Museum, Institute of History and Archeology of Tartu University, Tallinn City Museum, Tartu City Museum, Pärnu Museum, Cēsis History and Art Museum, Riga History and Maritime Museum , Turaida Museum-Reserve, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State Board of Culture and Heritage Protection.

The curator of the exhibition is Erki Russow, an archaeologist and senior researcher at Tallinn University. Design work was done by Villu Plink and Jaana Ratas (graphic design).

The exhibition can be seen at the Wittenstein Activity Museum during the opening hours Mon-Fri from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Other times upon notice. Access to the exhibition is with a museum ticket.

As part of the exhibition, the museum also offers a special program:

On January 25, at 1:00 p.m., a meeting with the exhibition curator and archaeologist (PhD) Erki Russow.

Meeting with Inna Põltsam-Jürjo, historian and senior researcher (PhD) of Tallinn University, on February 8 at 1:00 p.m.

On March 15, at 1:00 p.m., a meeting with Anu Männ, a historian and professor of art history at the University of Tartu (PhD).

The exhibition “There and back”. Pilgrimages of Livonians in Medieval Europe” will remain open at the Wittenstein Activity Museum until March 31.

Additional information:

Ründo Mülts

SA Time Center Wittenstein/Järvamaa Museum


Silver ring making workshop in Wittenstein activity museum

Silver ring making workshop in Wittenstein activity museum

Come and make yourself a unique silver ring, which is made according to the example of historical rings.’

The workshop will take place on December 10 and 11 from 17:00 to 20:00.
There are only 7 places in the workshop on both days. The workshop lasts 3 hours and each participant will make a spiral ring that can be decorated with signs or surface treatment.
The organizer is jewelry artist Anne Reinberg.

The price is €60/participant, which includes the material needed to make the ring.

It is recommended to bring a dust mask, safety glasses and thinner work gloves.

Prior registration is required by phone. 529 6492 or

Wittenstein Christmas programs in December

Wittenstein Christmas programs in December

Wittensteini jõulumaa ootab nii suuri kui väikeseid

Traditsiooniliselt täituvad ka sel aastal Ajakeskus Wittenstein ja Wittensteini Tegevusmuuseum jõulumeeleoluga. Osaleda saab eri ajastute jõulupidudel. Nii õpilaste kui täiskasvanute gruppidele on loodud temaatilised jõuluprogrammid, millest saab osa ettetellimisel.

*Wittensteini Tegevumuuseumi jõulurännak viib jõuluootuses olevasse 19. sajandi väikelinna. Rännaku käigus kohtutakse apteekri ja lõbusate meistritega ning proovida saab nende töötvõtteid. Külla tuleb jõuluvana. Rohkem infot Wittensteini Tegevusmuuseumi jõuluprogrammide kohta: JÕULUPROGRAMMID TEGEVUSMUUSEUMIS
Valikus on ka 22 erinevat meistrite õpituba, sh apteegi jookide, jõulusalvi valmistamise, hõbeda- ja nahameistri töötuba, 19. sajandi foto õpituba jne.

*Ajakeskus Wittenstein (torn) viib aga 8 eri ajastu jõulupeole. Maitsta saab ajastute jõuluroogasid ja kohtuda lõbusate ajalooliste tegelastega. Rohkem infot Ajakeskuse Wittenstein jõulurännakute kohta: JÕULUPROGRAMMID AJAKESKUSES
Detsembrikuus täituvad ajad kiiresti.

Samuti pakume hõrke maitseid ning kauneid peosaale kuni 100 pidulisele.
Info ja broneerimine: või 5850 2001

23/11 Lecture-meeting with Juhan Kreem in Wittenstein Activity museum

23/11 Lecture-meeting with Juhan Kreem in Wittenstein Activity museum

Wittensteini Tegevusmuuseum kutsub loeng-kohtumisele!

23. novembril (laupäeval) kell 13.00 loeng-kohtumine teemal “Paide positsioon Saksa ordu valitsemises” Wittensteini Tegevusmuuseumis (Tallinna tn 9/11, Paide linn)

Külla tuleb Tallinna Linnaarhiivi ja Tallinna Ülikooli teadur Juhan Kreem.

Lisaks tutvustab Kreem mahukat raamatut „Ordu sügis. Saksa ordu 16. sajandi Liivimaal“, mida saab kohapeal soodsalt soetada.

Ründo Mülts
SA Ajakeskus Wittenstein/Järvamaa muuseum
Loengut toetab Paide linn